4 zebra finches $9 each ,pick up only , picture attach
SOLD2 yellow canaries young $39 each ,pickup only
SOLDtotal 12 parakeet , $9 each , picture attach , pickup only
SOLD2 year old colorful Macaw. Speaks. Tamed. Fun around kids.
SOLDThis stunningly sweet baby boy is looking for his new home! He is a Dilute Turquoise Pied Split to Blue Fallow Male.. He will be ready on 11/30/21. He…
SOLDThis beautiful gal comes with her King cage that is 36 inches wide 28 inches deep and 65 inches in height. There is a cage cover as well. This gal eats…
SOLDThis little lady is stunning! She is a green split to turquoise Kakariki. She was hand fed but has not been handled since weaning. She eats a raw main…
SOLDThis little lady is a Yellow Marbled split to blue and Fallow Pacific Parrotlet. She will do great as a breeder or with some one who can work with her…
SOLDThis guy is a Turquoise Pied, Split to Blue and Fallow, Male, Pacific Parrotlet. He is a Proven breeder, he is not tame. He is 2.5 years old. I have had…
SOLDThis sweet little guy will bring lots of joy in to your home. All babies go home in a new travel cage and with a care package