This turquoise baby is only 10 weeks old. He is weaned and ready to rehome. He is very quiet, often resting on my shoulder while I work from home. We would…
$3502 baby blue parrotlet males — Seven months old.
$200- With this $100 discount - This was hand fed and now eats on its own – Should be pretty nice for you in kissing, snuggling and riding around on your shoulder…
$299Parrotlets for sale choose from a variety of colors. All are under one year of age. Store Location: Colors Of Birds 126 New Canaan Ave Norwalk CT…
$150Available are 3 Parrotlets. All 3 are males. Turquoise, Turquoise Fallow, and American Turquoise Pick up only near Cleveland Ohio. Prices are each. Message…
$250Blue - Female and Green Male - Bonded Pair for $450.00 total
$450Lovely Dilute - Fast Delivery This beautiful is charming and and pleasing to snuggle with. She kisses, snuggles and loves to be with you. A rare beauty…
$299Next Day Shipping -- for Parrotlet - - Prices start at $399 This gorgeous one is available right now. It is the last one of these bright yellow parrotlets…
$499- With this $100 discount - This was hand fed and now eats on its own – Should be pretty nice for you in kissing, snuggling and riding around on your shoulder…
$299- With this $100 discount - This was hand fed and now eats on its own – Should be pretty nice for you in kissing, snuggling and riding around on your shoulder…