Handfed Kakariki’s: Cinnamon Turquoise Pied $400 Cinnamon green $350 Green $350 Please call during business hours only. our phone number Wed-Sun 11am…
$350We have Indian Ringneck babies, playful, tamed, handfed, eating by themself, green two males and two female each $450, grey male $1100, light blue…
$450We have Indian Ringneck, Female, Adult, not tamed, ready to breed, around 2-3 years old, if you want more pictures pleast let me know, we can ship but…
$800Northwest Florida Parakeet Rescue has about 12 cute baby budgies looking for a home. 0-5 months. Best price around because ALL sales benefit the rescue…
$10Currently feeding baby Indian Ringnecks. Prices start at 650$ depending on color call or text sherri (941) 467-2542 or Tiffany our phone number
$650Parakeet finger trained. One cage with stand.
$89Beautiful baby yellow Indian Ringnecks, Hand fed and socialized, this is the pet for you if you want a sweet and loving parrot. They enjoy kisses and cuddling…
$1,100UPDATE: only one green and one yellow left :) 7 month old indian ringnecks available now. We have two dark green and one yellow left! These were hand…
$1,149Baby Kakarikis, some green, blue, pieds. Starting with handfeeding green $250 for green handfeeding or $350 for once weaned. Blues starting at $350, $450…
$250ATTENTION: We try our best to keep in stock a variety of colors of parakeets but please call our store during operation hours (listed below) ito verify…