Seeking a pirate who can liberate her from four witches. Very well trained and looking to fall in love
$8,000I have 2 babies left for rehoming, they are 6 weeks old and ready to go home in 2 to 3 weeks. Please reach out for reservations and local pickup in WA…
$5,000Beautiful Boy and girl White Bellied and Black Headed Caiques with a very sweet affectionate temperament, fully tamed, dna sexed. They have been handled…
$2,400Ringneck parrot. Wife is expecting our first child so we’re trying to find him a new home. Was told they believe he’s a male, but his neck colors shouldn…
$500Rehoming Sunny, a beautiful lutino budgie. Her cage mate passed away last night, and I don't want her to be lonely, and I don't have it in me to get another…
$150I have a small white bird cage good for parakeets or a cockatiel. The price is 20 dollars. I do not ship.
$20Sun conure. 2.5 year's old. Proven pair. Had pretty babies. Good parents. Some Red factor.Message me if you guys have any questions. Not TAME.
$1,300Handfed babies expected periodically. Check with me to see which hens have eggs or chicks. Various colors, greens, blues, many violet factor, some pied…
$180We must rehome a bonded pair of macaws, one scarlet and one military. The scarlet is a male and the military is a female. The scarlet has been DNA sexed…
SOLDHard to find and very sweet, this boy lutino will be ready for his new home in 2-3 weeks. He is very sweet, loves to have his head scratched, and loves…